Accelerating Business Insight
The current economic climate has highlighted more than ever the differences between organizations that can turn data into actionable insights and those that are incapable of seeing or responding to the need for change. Data-driven organizations stand to gain a competitive advantage when they increase the speed and scale of how data is accessed and processed and ensure both the security and accuracy of that data.
It remains the case that, even in a data-driven organization, a high proportion of data and analytics projects fail to deliver on expectations. There are multiple reasons why these initiatives fail. A delicate balance of people, process, information and technology is required to deliver a successful IT project, and small deviations in any one of those factors can send projects off the rails. For data projects specifically, organizations can fall into the trap of trying to create the perfect data repository to deliver a single version of the truth across the business. The over-emphasis on traditional approaches to data processing and analytics results in organizations spending far too much time preparing and transforming data to make it suitable for the selected repository, delaying actionable insight.